
倉中 渉 (2020年3月博士前期(修士)課程修了)




[1] W. Kuranaka*, T. Maruta, Nonexistence of some Griesmer codes of dimension 5,
京都大学数理解析研究所講究録「代数系、論理、言語と計算機科学の周辺」 No. 2130, 113--118, 2019年10月

口頭発表  ( * = speaker)

[1] W. Kuranaka*, Nonexistence of some Griesmer codes over the field of order five,
Japanese Conference on Combinatorics and its Applications (JCCA 2018) in Sendai, Japan, May. 2018.

[2] W. Kuranaka*, T. Maruta, Nonexistence of some Griesmer codes of dimension 5,
京都大学数理解析研究所 (RIMS) 研究集会「代数系、論理、言語と計算機科学の周辺」 , 2019年 2月.

[3] W. Kuranaka*, T. Maruta, On the minimum length of linear codes of dimension five,
The 42nd Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing (42ACCMCC) in Sydney, Australia, December 2019.